The Kingpin de Hawkeye is a continuation of which we saw in Daredevil

Vincent d'Ontario (Brooklyn, New York City, June 30, 1959) is an actor as well as American film producer. It was made known for his role as Soldier Leonard Homer Pyle Lawrence ( Paths, in Spanish dubbing Castilian) completely Metal Jacket. He is additionally understood for playing Investigator Robert Goren in Legislation & Order: Crook Intent, and the main antagonist of Marvel Collection in Daredevil as well as Hawkeye, called Kingpin.

Last week the end of the season premiered for Hawkeye, where we could see the return of Vincent d'Ontario as Kingpin. This character debuted at MCU with the series of DAREDEVIL of Netflix, which ended up being canceled after its third season. But is it about the same version of the villain or is it a completely alien? Here we tell you.

Talking with screen rant, d'Ontario clarified that the version of Kingpin we saw in the sixth and last chapter of Hawkeye is actually the same as the view in DAREDEVIL:

They do not exist separately. They are the same person. From my point of view, many of things with the Avengers, with the things of the MCU, wanted to connect them as much as they could be the original Canon, but some things are impossible to connect.

For example, in the Hawkeye series, Kingpin is obviously much stronger physically and capable of supporting more blows. But the key to me, and that makes this character so interesting, is that he has this life full of emotions that keeps him with his feet firm to earth.

d'Ontario Affirms that, beyond your physical skills, the producers of Hawkeye wanted the audience to empathize with this version of Kingpin, something that producers of Daredevil They also wanted to achieve, so it was more than happy to return to the girl screen in this new production.

Editor's note: Although it is great that Marvel is taking up some characters from the Netflix series, I also worry that all its cinematographic universe is already entangled. I say, now that you have already opened the Multiverse everything is possible, I just hope you do not want to saturate ourselves with cameos instead of telling a good story with original and interesting characters.

Vincent D'Onofrio Reveals How MCU Kingpin Is Different From DareDevil Version
