The Odyssey developer apologizes for launch difficulties

The Odyssey by Homer | Book 5 Summary and Analysis

After its launch last week, the highly anticipated DLC for the ELITE Hazardous Spatial MMORPG has been widely criticized for many bugs and poor PC performance. For the first time, Elite Dangerous Odyssey allows players to leave their spaceships and explore other planets and space stations on foot, as well as introduce first-person shooting mechanisms and activity. colonization. However, since the launch, users of a wide range of hardware configurations have reported low frequencies of images, bugs that paralyze the game, repetitive gaming problems and server that, for many, leave the game in a game. playable state. In the 400,000 colonies introduced in the DLC, there are fewer than 10 different types of activities to achieve in total. More than 66% of Steam's reviews for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey are now negative.

With the boiling players base, Frontier Developments developers have published a hotfix and excuses to the Elite Dangerous community. David Braben, founder and CEO of Frontier Developments, addressed the controversy on Elite Dangerous forums: "First and foremost, I would like to apologize with all hearts to those who suffer from these problems. I want to make sure we take these questions very seriously and that they are our absolute priority. "

The message describes the team's project to publish a second fix shortly to stabilize the game and remove bugs. Other problems will be resolved with upcoming updates. Addressing the problems present on high-end material, Braben presented its own personal configuration that had been used to "have a good idea of ​​how the game was played on older hardware" with the high-end development machine. It seems that the reasons for the poor performance of Elite Dangerous: Odyssey are still unknown behind the scenes - it may be necessary for a certain time before we get an appropriate solution.

The Braben Declaration ends with a promise at the base of players - "_We understand that a number of players have had problems accessing the game and play it and I can assure you that we are fully focusing on improvement of this for the people concerned and communicate with you openly and regularly on how these problems are resolved. »

It remains to know if Elite Dangerous: Odyssey will be recoverable or not, but things do not seem good for the mmo.
