Eve Online will make you hunt smuggles in honor of your 19

This Friday Eve Online officially turns 19 years old, which means that the time has come to celebrate the day of capsuler in the space MMORPG Pesarie. Contrary to the name of the event, it will last three weeks from today and until May 24, with new holiday skins, commemorative ships, a special game event “Testing ground” and a limited quest for the disconnection of smugglers in New Eden.

Meanwhile, CCP Games is preparing for the first offline fanfest Eve, which will be held in the hometown of the Reykjavik studio, Iceland, from May 4 to 6. It is worth noting that the event will not have any COVID-19 protocols, except for disinfectants for hands and reminders of the need to remember the personal space of other participants.

EVE Online | The Scope – Fight Against Smugglers and Growing Diplomatic Crisis You can find more detailed information about the event “Capsuler Day” here, and the details about Eve Fanfest 2022 are here.


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