The World of Warcraft began in the World of Warcraft: the choir of the dead

Today in the MMORPG World of Warcraft, the next monthly event "Torgast: the choir of the dead", which will last a week and will slightly diversify the gameplay in the tower of the damned. Fans should already be familiar with this event, since it is carried out with the frequency of the release of the Shadowlands additions.

World of Warcraft | 10 Features, die WoW dringend braucht - Kolumne von Philipp Sattler If you first hear about him, then its essence lies in the fact that players can take the appearance of a “faded choir” and increase the damage, speed of movement, the strength of healing, as well as open special skills.

In addition to this choir of the dead, the weekly additional event "Ski in the arena" also began. As you could have guessed from the name, it refers to PVPs. Having taken a task from the caretaker in Oribos, players for 10 victories in the arena will receive a chest with trophies and a radiant azeritic core. This event also presents a passive effect in the form +50% to honor for skirmishes.


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