Mmorpg SkyForge retains the confrontation of pantheons in the new season
Fans of the fantasy Mmorpg SkyForge should prepare for epic battles with each other for the title of strongest pantheon in the upcoming seventh season The opposition of the pantheons. It starts this Sunday, June 12, and will allow players not only to demonstrate their skills and earn prizes, but also bring some important changes to the game based on reviews.
Firstly, a new rating system will be introduced, which will display the most powerful and active pantheons and will help in organizing wars. In addition, from the seventh season, only pantheons occupying the upper places in this rating will be able to participate in the tenders of the Golden League.
Secondly, only players with the status of Titan will now be allowed to fight in such a large competition. At the same time, the number of titans in the pantheones was reduced. For example, earlier at 10 rank it was possible to assign up to 50 titans, and by 15-up to 100, then in the seventh season these numbers were reduced to 25 and 40, respectively. However, in compensation, this change increased the awards for the titans for participating in battles.
And finally, starting from the upcoming 7 season, the prize fund will be distributed between eight teams of the Golden League. Developers promise to tell more about all awards later.
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